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School Timings


​​Session times:


  • 8.30am to 3.30 pm  - Preschool

  • 8.00am  to 5.00 pm - Full day

  • 8.30am to 12.00pm - Sessions for 2 to 3-year old’s

  • 12.00pm to 3.30pm - Sessions for 2 to 3-year old’s



Enrolment Process

We have an online pre-enrolment form to save our families’ time. Please register and submit using this form. If you need any assistance with the process, please give us a call.


The enrolment process as follow:

  1. Complete online pre-enrolment form and submit online.

  2. You will be contacted when a place is available that matches your requirements.

  3. We will send you an enrolment application form (you can bring it along on your visit or submit on line with a deposit of a non-refundable Enrolment Fee of $70.00.

  4. You will be contacted for a tour and discussions with Centre Manager and orientation.

  5. You will then complete the remaining areas of your enrolment form.

  6. Your place is then secured with us.

  7. Completion of Enrolment submitted with Birth Certificate and Child’s Immunisation status.






Please note that a submitted Enrolment Application does not guarantee a placement at AMP. Placements are offered according to our enrolment policy and influenced by available vacancies.

We look forward to welcoming you and your child to the
Aranui Community.


We also offer....
After School Enrichment Classes

The afternoon is more relaxed. Children may revisit Montessori works, play outside, partake in gardening, engage in cooking classes, and engage in supervised water-play. The children may also engage in spontaneous shows, music, and dance performances or produce marvelous art creations.


This opportunity enables children to be more involved in their projects, and provides them with the ability to consolidate and complete the work begun in the morning. The full-day program also gives continuity to the younger children to acquire the same benefits enjoyed by their older classmates.

There are programs for children who choose to stay after school

(3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.).

Time is allotted during the afternoon for both structured activities and unstructured play.

North shore childcare


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